Comprehensive Eye Health Solution for Resource Limited Conditions.
LabSD, Inc., provides an eco-system centered around the EYELIKE™ Platform to prevent blindness & Non-Communicable Diseases. The Platform can provide retinal exams to the community with the device made of upcycled smartphone along with AI-CDSS and Health Information System for eye diseases and NCDs.
Components of EYLIKE™
LabSD’s EYELIKE Platform is composed with following 4 parts.
Digital Ophthalmoscope
A portable, easy to use, mydriatic digital ophthalmoscope attached to smartphones
AI-based Clinical Decision Supporting System
AI-CDSS for blindness causing eye diseases
Eye Health Information System
Android Application along with web-based dashboard for the collection, analysis, and visualization of patient information
Online Donation Module (2023)
Online Donation Module that attracts global donors by demonstrating number of patients in need of medical attention and cost for it while reporting the progress of the patients in order to achieve the continuum of care
A unique and affordable digital ophthalmoscope.
A unique and affordable diagnosis camera - EYELIKE™ can screen patients for conditions that may lead to blindness, including diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration.

Device Specification.
Class I Medical Device
Over 55 ° FOV
Upcycled Smartphone-based
Weight 389.3g
Uses 4 AA Batteries
User friendly App. Interface (Auto Focus)
Recycled Polycarbonate